Protecting Chesapeake Bay’s Disappearing Beaches
Discover how the Chesapeake Bay’s beaches are changing and why ensuring a resilient coastline matters.
What’s Happening to the Chesapeake Bay’s Beaches?
The Chesapeake Bay’s coastline has historically undergone dramatic changes. From rising sea levels and more powerful storms to shoreline engineering structures designed to protect waterfront development, these forces continually reshape the Chesapeake Bay’s beaches and natural habitats.
Natural processes that once created and sustained healthy beaches are changing and those changes have led to narrowing beaches, increased flooding, and challenges for the wildlife and people who call the Bay home
Rising Sea Levels
Learn how sea-level rise threatens beaches and communities
Discover the role of storms in natural systems and how storms produce challenges for property owners.
Waterfront Development and Shore Protection
Explore how shore protection structures affect beaches.

What the Northeastern Beach Tiger Beetle Tells Us About the Bay
The Northeastern Beach Tiger Beetle (known by its scientific name, Habroscelimorpha dorsalis dorsalis) may be small, but it plays a big role in understanding the health and state of the Chesapeake Bay’s beaches. As an indicator species, its well-being and survival depend on wide, sandy beaches—just like the people and other wildlife that live on or near the Bay’s shores.
When tiger beetle habitats thrive, it’s a sign that the Bay’s beaches are healthy and resilient. But as beaches narrow and natural processes are disrupted, this vital species faces challenges that reflect broader issues affecting our coastline.

Help Protect the Bay’s Shores
The future of the Chesapeake Bay’s shores depends on all of us. By understanding the challenges facing our beaches and natural habitats, you can make informed decisions to help create a more resilient, thriving shoreline. Whether you’re protecting your property, learning about sustainable solutions, or exploring ways to support the Bay’s beaches and wildlife, every action matters.

Learn and Act
Discover how to make the best, sustainable choices that protect beaches, habitats, and waterfront development.

Meet the Scientists
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Connect with local shore protection design and construction companies and permitting agencies to guide sustainable coastal decisions.

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